Sunday, July 21, 2013

Comic #105 : "Hunta Dyaini" - A Non-Indrajal Phantom Classic in BENGALI

 UPDATE(30/7/13) : 
A couple of re-uploaded links of Rip Kirby dailies which were deleted by MF....
After Times of India cancelled the Indrajal Comics on 1990,publisher of Diamond Comics quickly bought the Phantom & Mandrake strips' right from KFS. Hence their Phantom series commenced on 1991 in the three languages(Bengali,English & Hindi) and Mandrake in the following year (but this time Bengali version was omitted!).
And very soon their issues were compared with the former series by the fans of Falks' two magnificent heroes! Well,their printing was not at-par with Indrajal Comics but they had a couple of plus-points those Ijcs were lacking.
 First,they published almost ALL strips in the unedited form,something that was rarely happened in the early phase of Indrajal issues as ToI used to edit the stories to fit in their limited pages(before the multiple-part policy was introduced in the late '70s) and secondly,we got some rare works by Falk-Barry which were never published in the Indrajal!
One of those is Hunta Witch, 91st Daily and a brilliant adventure!Why ToI skipped this??Due to a political connection or what??I have no idea!!
Anyway, for Bengali fans,DC did splendid favor otherwise we couldn't read many Phantom stories in our own tongue!Another fitting plot I can remember currently, that ToI skipped and DC picked, is the Mysterious Island of Dogs(D86), first published in DC-P #8.[You can read a 2-year old review post!]
 Amidst of all these good things, there is one negative thing about these books.That is,DC digests are not at all perfect for scanning due to their  typical pocket-book size & binding!Unlike Ijcs you have tough time scanning these.So hopefully you will bear with me! ;))
Between, Hunta Witch is the 2nd story of  #11 issue. Avid Indrajal fans can easily guess the first one from the cover-art,a true classic that was published in the Indrajal Comics!! :o))
For more info about Diamond Phantom,read this wiki page:


শুভাগত said...

Arekta katha bola bhalo , amar mone hoyeche banglate anubad IJCr theke Diamond besi bhalo koreche ...

Rajesh said...

Kindly translate Bangla Indrajal version of D157 - The Bug Man into Hindi or English which you have posted few days back so that non-bangla readers can also read it. Also I have not found its hindi or eng version on any blog. Its my humble request.


Mahasthobir said...

সুমনের comments পড়ে বেশ অবাক হলাম। আমার তো চিরকাল ঠিক উল্টোটাই মনে হয়েছে।

এই কমিকসটা দেখলেই মনে হয় সেটা বোঝা যাবে। ৭২-৭৩ পাতায় বাতাসের শব্দ বলে বিssssssss-বুsssssss লেখা টা হাস্যকর। ৭৫ পাতায় খচ্চ্ শব্দটা কিসের? উচ্চারণই বা কিভাবে করবো। ৭৬ পাতায় বেতালের 'তুমি কি(গড়ব)হান্টা ডাইনী?' 'গড়ব' কি? গুলির আওয়াজ 'ধাঁয়' একদম ভাল লাগে না।

@Hojo, দারুন post। এই গল্পটা ইন্দ্রজালে না বেরনোর বড় কারণ হয়তো বেতালের চুম্বনের প্রসঙ্গটাই।

HojO said...

@Suman : Kichuta obak holam!Tumi ki kono specific issue indicate korcho??Because in the long run(1966-90) ToI used several tranlators and the quality varied,sometimes it was ordinary but mostly good to outstanding!
I was overall quite satisfied with Ijcs version while with DC,it's just ok!

But yes,I can remember some strange job - and the funniest mistake I ever seen was in the "কবন্ধের কান্না ১ম পর্ব(খন্ড 24 সংখ্যা 30)"..It was when mandrake was searching for some 'Malcom',he knocked a door a lady came and told him "I don't know Malcom but know lotta guys" where lotta stands for "lots off" BUT the translat did the job "ম্যালকমকে চিনিনা তবে লোট্টাকে চিনি!" :))

HojO said...

@rajesh: Plz search the web for the issue.Eng version is available for 6-7 years!!

HojO said...

@MS:Yes I do agree that ToI did some fab job but spoiled sometimes as I site an example to Suman,but that was rare!

And you didn't liked those words?? Don't worry,neither did I ;)and that was because,most probably,those issues were translated from Hindi...that's why they retained some typical Hindi words like গড়ব,ধাঁয় etc!
Another thing was,some translated words in Indrajal had/have charming effect like "কুহেলী পর্বতশ্রেণী","পূবের আঁধার","আগুন-নদীর ওপারে" etc that was completely missing in the DC issues as they used simply the English words like "মিস্টি মাউন্টেন","ইস্টার্ন ডার্ক" etc!

As I said in the post,the major +ve of DC issues were the UNEDITED stories that we missed in the early issues of Ijcs!

HojO said...

Ar golpo somporke hoyto tomar myotta sotti...tar songe oi political connection-ta hoyto chilo!!

Overall DC was much bold in approach compare to ToI as the latter one did some silly editing like the female swimming-costume/shorr dress/mild kissing etc...kinda moral policing that DC NEVER practiced!

24thphantom said...

@hojo: thanks for this..tobe dainir ekta golpo mone porche, setar sathe etar mil ache kina jani na..the story was "rahasyomoyi daini"..tumi bhalo bolte parbe..& I believe there were a few other stories also that was not published by TOI but DC..can u tell how many?

Mahasthobir said...

@hojo, ভাবো একবার... ijc যেটা করেছিল কুহেলী পর্বতশ্রেণী আর DC সেটাকে করে দিল মিস্টি মাউন্টেন...বাংলা হরফে ইংরাজি শব্দ। মিস্টি কথাটা মিষ্টি বলে ধরে নিলে অবশ্য ব্যাপারটা লোভনীয় হবে। :)

আর TOL -র editing প্রসঙ্গে বলা যায়, ৬০-র দশকের সাথে ৯০-র দশকের তফাত অনেকটাই ছিল মনে হয়। ৬০-র দশকের বাংলা বা হিন্দি ছবি দেখলে ব্যাপারটা বোঝাই যায়। পোশাক থেকে শুরু করে আচার আচরণ পর্যন্ত আরও অনেক কিছুতেই ৬০ আর ৯০-র দশকের তফাৎ খুব স্পষ্ট। যখন IJC শুরু হয়েছিল তখনকার সামাজিক পটভূমিতে ওই সব editing গুলো TOL-কে করতেই হয়েছিল, অন্যদিকে, DC ৯০-র দশকে অনেকটাই খোলামেলা পরিবেশ পেয়েছিল।

HojO said...

@Walker:This is completely different...
And there are plenty of Phantom/Mandrake stories published in DC those were either never printed in Ijcs or from the post-Ijc era!

HojO said...

@MS : Ha ha, at first I was taken aback by that মিস্টি মাউন্টেন!!
Yes,with time we become more liberal but ToI's approach was quite odd as those censoring were done randomly,that's why you will find stories as early like "অপরাজেয় রক্ষাকবচ(সংখ্যা ৪৯)" from late '60s unedited while some mid '80s strips were censored!
Between,sometime their editing was most when they edited that "Ali Petro" and converted him in "Count petro" in the স্বর্ণের অভিশাপ(সংখ্যা ৩১৮)!!
The original one was a Sheikh but we got an European person and all credit goes to the ToI's unnamed 'artist'!!
Here is a link of a old Forum topic on this by Clay Camel aka Peder from Xanadu where we had an discussion:

For those haven't read the strip,138TH Mandrake Sunday,just read & compare with your Ijc issue!:)

Rajesh said...

Thanks for your kind help. I have been downloaded D157 - Bug Man's IJC eng version "Death Warrant", though it was more then five year old link but still alive.


Rajesh said...

Thanks for your kind help. I have been downloaded D157 - Bug Man's IJC eng version "Death Warrant", though it was more then five year old link but still alive.


Cobra said...
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