The basis of this project is my affinity to read the Mandrake comics in color. Yes,I always prefer to see this amazing Magician in his famous blue-red out-fit with others in their usual trade-marks (specially,is it need to say,we want Narda-the charming princess in her fabulous colored out-fits! ;-))).
So, after reading a good number of Mandrake's B/W strips (both on paper & scan) of '90s .....i thought why not color them by myself ???
It sounds bit crazy ,but then I'd a hobby in drawing,specially in coloring.... color means for me everything,i just love to play with colors! Instead of this MS painting is bit monotonous (specially controlling the mouse,then inking the finer points very patiently etc) ,but i already made my mind, later my younger bro also joined in this Color Project . He also has a fascination in coloring/inking like me,so it's quite fun & gr8 pass-time for us nowadays,though most of the inking (& bit editing ;-)) done by me,due to his schooling/examination etc....
Here's is the FIRST FOUR samples of my Colored strips with the Original B/W (ALL from Mandrake's Triple Wedding strips D226 -228;1997-98) .I'm NOW coloring ONLY those strips which are more interesting (according to script) & also gimme many chances to explore with many colors....
So, may be,the strips are bit discrete,but after sometimes, i may back with day-to-day colored strips...
(B/W Strips are provided by another ardent Mandrake-fan-site,who's doing a great job by making available many old mandrake strips).
P.S.- It's my small tribute to great Falk for his Legendary creation & Fredricks for his passionating art-work.
Also,it's most probably the FIRST attempt by any mandrake-fan to Ink this B/W strips & publish on-line .........hope,i'll continue it for ever ......
(B/W Strips are provided by another ardent Mandrake-fan-site,who's doing a great job by making available many old mandrake strips).
P.S.- It's my small tribute to great Falk for his Legendary creation & Fredricks for his passionating art-work.
Also,it's most probably the FIRST attempt by any mandrake-fan to Ink this B/W strips & publish on-line .........hope,i'll continue it for ever ......
And, Aleena has promised to appear in the next release (i guess,she needs NO intro!)& with Narda as well..... i guess, sharing same scene by these ladies is always a treat for fans ;-) .So, wait until they appear....
Now,for this time,have these ones......lemme know,if this Color Project is worth to continue OR these colored strips are best to save in my PC. ;-))
Great job done,Sir.Fantastic.
Can't say which is the original.
There is pretty daylight bet'n the two.
Its like the pictures and the charaters coming alive.Thanks.Great effort.
Great effort...and would be more fruitful for comic lovers if you could sustain it till to complete the coloring of all strips.
P.S.Also could you pls turn off the word verification feature.
Excellent work. A bit too vibrant at first look but really nice. Great! Let me read how you achieved this first.
Mandrake should be thankful for bringing colours to his b/w world. Only this time the magic is not hypnotism but the colorism, though they both affect the eyes of the person.
Continue with the project, until all the magicians comics come alive with vibrating rainbow of colours...
#Chandan:Thnx man!Such appreciations r really energatic....and we shud thnkful to bala 4 providing those B/W scans....actually it's in HIS BLOG where this Magician get his OWN space :-))
#CG:Thnx :-)
ok,as u insisit so many times ,the CM-thing will turn-off (enabaled to avoid those spam).
#TPH:thanks u too!Yes,they r bit vibrant,BUT that's due to the color-complex provided by MS-painting system :-()
#Anu:"Mandrake should be thankful for bringing colours to his b/w world."
hahahaha , hey itna bhi praise maat karo yaar,overconfident ho jaunga ;-)).But thnxxx very much 4 liking those colored strips.
ACTUALLY, it's MY pleasure to bring his AMAZING world in color,anything associated with Mandrake-wrld's truely amazing,ain't???
Tell me something,are we going to see a indrajal comic being posted?
If so,when?
Very eager to know.thanks
Well done Sagnik, excellent work. The choice of colors are perfect and its really looking nice. Now-a-days I am also trying to paint using MS paint in my blog :-)
#Anil:Not Indrajal,but a special Phantom Daily by Falk will appear in my blog soon ....keep checking :-))
#Pijushda:thnx...will check ur blog soon ...
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