After a long time,here again I'm going to present a FULL Version of a vintage Phantom strip:The Female Phantom (S032 :1952) .

Apart from the fact that,it's a unique story where a female member of Phantom-generation ,Juli, was took the charge (of Phantom-line) for a while,another speciality of this particular strip is that,it NEVER appeared in IJC,all though S031 & S033 were very much published under that banner! (In S033,Diana tried Juli's out-fit and causing trouble,after heard the story from our Phantom....that story was published in IJC twice,No.307 and Vol.25 No.12 ).
I never realised it(S032) was missed in IJC,though have this strip from a long time!!That's really encourage me to make THIS SPECIAL STRIP on-line....otherwise,am very much happy what our Big B's (MTM/CW/ICC/AA) are doing right now!!
So,it's just an extra treat from for ALL Phans .... also special thanks to Stefen for this vintage!!
Phans,Enjoy this strip......and if like it,may leave your feed-back! :-))

Thanks for strip. Check you gmail account for some covers.
You are welcome!
But,I didn't receive ANY covers from you!plse check....
I was also having this strip but couldn't manage to read it up till now,it was only after your posting that i hooked on to read this splendid strip.
By the way there are still many more Phantom strips left that i am having but haven't read yet;o)
Great effort.Nice vintage strip.
Very good story.
Now tell me something.As we saw about 3 Sundays strips published in ICC(S-002 AND S-003 s-004 )were coloured.How come the next set(as we saw eventually in Phantom blog)were not.Actually the later ones had to be followed similarly.
Dara,can u throw some light on this?
Now,Has this strip come because of a splendid double ton from DADA?
I only hope our bowlers do some justice to great batting from Souvrav and Yuvraj.
I wud like to see a 2-0 drubbing which was missed/messed by our bowlers.
Dara,great effort.
there are still many more Phantom strips left that i am having but haven't read yet
Same here!! having so many strips and yet-2-read many (though luckily,manage to read some good/thrilling ones as well :-))!!
Even nowadays ,sometimes I've collect some nEW ijc/dc which r still unread!! ...
Thnx 4 so many praising words...but then,this p'cular strip is WORTH's A REAL CLASSIC!!
Now tell me something......were coloured.How come the next set were not
Those 'Colored Strips' Chandu published were provided "CURRENTLY by King Features" through DailyInk subscritions ($15 annual)...he's has this,I guess!
Otherwise,Original strips are always B/W (in FREW)....
Guess,make it clear. :-))
Now,Has this strip come because of a splendid double ton from DADA?
It was in draft from few days....BUT yes,it's SPECIAL Release on Sunday in celebration of Dada's dhamakadar batting !!
Yup,Yubi is terific ..and as I said,Dravid/Kartik has to sit-out!! Dravid shud get a couple of MORE chances,but then,if FAILED ..shud be excluded from Team India (wud b a riddance)!!
"2-0 OR 1-0 thing's sure NOW....we r GOIN' TO WIN this SERIES!!!!"
Beating Pakis always give us SPECIAL PLEASURE!!Ain't??????????
Chandan i wish to make a correction regarding the current discussion about colored strips.
Original strips were/are always colored,its the choice of the papers publishing those strips to publish them B/W or in color as according to their preferences.
Chandu,me and other are having the majority of strips in B/W which are scanned from Frews by Ajay...though we also have some partially/fully colored strips too which are scanned from newspapers which published the colored version.
#CW/Chandan:Now,I want to RE-CORRECT you regarding color strip:
we also have some partially/fully colored strips too which are scanned from newspapers which published the colored version.
That's NOT the point...what Chandu has published were provided by KFS through D-I,as they r now colored Morre's Sunday strips...!!
BTWN,It's VERY KNOWN FACT that ALL Phantom/Mandrake Sundays were in COLOR where Dailies were in B/W!!
Thanks for the wonderful strip. We find that your choice of strips are quite unique and would appriciate if you could post such non-Indrajal strips more frequently.
Thanks for the inf..
Are the stories published in Frew same as IC's,i mean were the same strips published as they were?
Frew has gone beyond 1000 mark.
So iam left wondering,if there were so many strips,why did IC's republish older issues?
Kindly help,Dara and CW.
Iam very curious.
#CC: Thanks buddy...yup! I've to choice some special,as CW/IC/MTM etc r doin' nice job with regular releases,thus for ATTRACTION,somehing 'special' is needed! ;))
And,this "Female Phantom" is a real classic that EVERY Phan MUST Read!
In early FREWs,say upto late '80s,there were edited version of strips were published's semce some '90s,they initiated to publish Unedited version.....BUT except early issues,there were very less edit done in IJC!
FREW has been crossed 1,500 mark recently!
So iam left wondering,if there were so many strips,why did IC's republish older issues?
YOU may NOT aware that,among those 1,500 issues,FREW published '600+ Phantomet' comics,i.e. "Non-Falk Phantom",with "AT LEAST 4-time repeatition" of MOST Falk-Phantom strips(some even 6-7 times!!)!!!
Otherwise ther's NO way to publish so many issues!!
Same,in case of IJC....
Thanks for the sunday strips. Your analysis is excellent.
exotic posts
Great work... appreciate your effort...
Thanks a lot.. nice and gripping story..
Is there a download link for this comic?
can u please send it to
ravi gokhale
Thanks a ton boy...
I've scanned a whole lot of my phantom comics...let me know if anyone needs a specific issue!
Take care
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